Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Last Week of Quarter 1.
All MAth Students remember to check with Mr. C .  for any make-up! 

Here is a List of Last Grades for Quarter ONE!  PERIOD C -E- F  expect Homework Quiz early in Week!

Period C- Chapter Review Activity Thursday
Period D- Chapter Quiz Friday
Period E- Chapter Review Activity Thursday
Period F- Chapter 2 Proofs Quiz Tuesday  & Ch 4 intro QUiz! Friday
Period G- Chapter 4 Quiz Wednesday

This Weeks Agenda by class.

Algebra period C & E  We will continue in Ch 3 connecting Proportions to % change Calculations  Reminder a % is Just a Fraction with 100 for a Denominator!  HomeWORK:  Monday is page 159 31-35 write and solve proportions.  Tuesday Completes both sides of Worksheet!  Wednesday page 162-163 finish to 35 at home!  Thursday  work on Review activity for Friday!

Algebra Period D-We will wrap lesson 3-3 Up- Central Tendency Calculations Monday and Move
toward Working with Equations Tuesday & Wed then on to Formulas to finish  week!

Honors Geometry -Check Theorems and be prepared for new Vocab as we Start Ch 4!
Geometry Period G- More Distance Formula Practice! and More Theorems and terms For Triangles!

Have a HAPPY and SAVE Halloween Night! 

Mr. C.

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